Table of Contents



I. Storm Gathering

  1. 1918
  2. Master of Metamorphosis
  3. H5N1
  4. Playing Chicken
  5. Worse Than 1918?
  6. When, Not If

II. When Animal Viruses Attack

  1. The Third Age
  2. Man Made
  3. Livestock Revolution
  4. Tracing the Flight Path
  5. One Flu Over the Chicken’s Nest
  6. Coming Home to Roost
  7. Guarding the Henhouse

III. Pandemic Preparedness

  1. Cooping Up Bird Flu
  2. Race Against Time
  3. Tamiflu

IV. Surviving the Pandemic

  1. Don’t Wing It
  2. Our Health in Our Hands
  3. Be Prepared

V. Preventing Future Pandemics

  1. Tinderbox
  2. Reining in the Pale Horse

